Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All those colors!

Cream: These Shar Pei usually have a darker shading (apricot) on their dorsal line, ears and hocks and include light and dark cream. Fawn: Is the most common Shar Pei colour and can include Light Fawn, Dark Fawn and Red Fawn. Red: Shades of Red may vary from red to mahogany to chestnut red. Brown: Is often confused with chocolate. Brown Shar Pei will have black pigmentation - chocolates are dilute. Sable: Sable is one of the most difficult colour classifications in the Shar Pei. A TRUE sable will have a lacing of black hairs over a lighter ground colour (not white). The coat colour is uniform over the body, neck, head and legs. A true sable does not have a lighter butterfly pattern on the chest nor Doberman points on the head. Legs are laced evenly. A saddle pattern is also not a true sable. Silver: These dogs are a light even silver with a charcoal mask. They cast a platinum shade, light like a cream but without the darker dorsal stripe. Black: Most black Shar Pei have grey, red, silver, brown or chocolate shadings. Dilute Colours
Apricot: A distinct apricot colour ranging in shade from light to dark apricot. Blue: Brush coat blues are usually very dark blue and horse coat blues will usually be a light silvery blue.
Chocolate: Often this colour is confused with brown. Chocolate Shar Pei can not have any black pigmentation. Noses, etc. are chocolate coloured and tongues are lavender.
Cream: The same as basic cream colour but without black pigmentation.
Isabella: These Shar Pei have a dusty rose color coat with pale blue masking and shading and lavender tongues. The ears and dorsal line may be darker.
Lilac: A chocolate blue dilute color giving the appearance of purple. Again, the color is darker in brush coats than in horse coats. (Lilac is the same color as a Weimaraner) Always found in dilute only.
5-Point Red (Red Dilute): The "5 points" are nose, eyes, skin, footpads and anus. These dogs are a distinct deep red fawn varying to a dark red color.
Sable (Dilute): A lacing of dark colored (not black) hair over a lighter colored ground color (not white). The coat color is uniform in the body, neck, head and legs. A true Sable does not have a lighter butterfly pattern on the chest nor Doberman points on the head. Legs are laced evenly. A saddle pattern is also not a true Sable.
Silver (Dilute): Silvers include blue, grey and taupe. Noses are slate and tongues lavender. This is a bluish/silverish smoky color with very little variation.

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